Our mission is to endorse, empower, and elect people as candidates for local office who self-identify as women and those who share our values.
SFWPC champions policies and candidates committed to advancing intersectional feminism, racial justice, gender equity, and equitable systems and structures through participation in the San Francisco political process. We provide an advocacy and political network to build a bench of diverse women+ candidates, activists, organisers, and leaders who will advance these goals at every level of governance and beyond.
SFWPC envisions a San Francisco in which people who self-identify as women are prominent in the political spheres of influence.
We believe that participation in local politics is a civic duty and powerful way to make meaningful change that should be accessible to and inclusive of everyone. SFWPC aims to endorse, empower, and elect candidates who share our values of advocating for and advancing ideas and policies that champion intersectional feminism, racial justice, and gender equity, and will deliver long-lasting, inclusive, and equitable change for our communities.
Championing Intersectional Feminism
We acknowledge that we live in a patriarchal society in which systems, structures and policies were unfairly created to serve and benefit white men. In addition to the fight for equity with men, there are various intersections of racism, sexism, and transphobia resulting in women of color and trans-women facing greater disparities and systemic barriers. Not all policies are designed to uplift all women, and we are committed to fighting for equitable and inclusive policies that uplift marginalized women.
Fighting for Racial and Social Justice
We live in a racist society and are committed to changing that reality by using the vehicles and tools at our disposal to make measurable change. From our mission statement, our bylaws, our board members, the actions we take, and the candidates we support. Therefore, anti-racism is central to everything SFWPC does.
True Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We are cultivating a community that is equitable and inclusive and actively works to bring in leaders, members and participants with diverse voices, lived experiences and views in every possible scenario.
Committed to the Education, Empowerment, Advancement of People Who Identify as Women
SFWPC demystifies the systems, structures, people and organizations in San Francisco politics for people who identify as women as well as our allies through opportunities that empower people to learn about and participate in the political process locally. Our goal is to empower more people who identify as women and to seek out positions on local commissions, in local government, and to bring a diverse array of voices and perspectives to create policies that uplift the most marginalized communities and women in San Francisco.
Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Ethical Conduct
SFWPC holds itself to the highest standard in terms of how we lead. We treat each other, our members, our community and our partners with respect. We always operate ethically and with integrity and hold ourselves and the organization accountable to our mission, vision and values everyday.