Check out the types of events we hold throughout the year!
2023 Events
November 14th - Happy Hour
October 21st & 22nd - Fall Membership Meet Ups!
July 19th - SUMMER IN THE CITY: Advocacy, Allies, & Action
May 31st - Demystifying the San Francisco Budget

May 8th - Katie Porter Meet n' Greet

March 30th - SHEnanigans
Help us celebrate the end of Women's History Month with our friends at California Women's List and Women Get It Done at the **11th* SHEnanigans at Teeth on March 30th! Tickets include snacks and drinks while they last. The venue, Teeth, has indoor and outdoor gathering spaces.
March 9th - Women's History Month Happy Hour
March is Women's History Month, and we'll celebrate women's contributions and leadership in society next week on March 9th! Women and non-binary folks are welcome to meet with like-minded folks over snacks and discounted beverages at Manny's. The event is free, but please RSVP
February 11th - Galentine's Day
Join us on February 11th at Spark Social under the Big Sur Tent at 1pm for an afternoon of community! Calling all politically minded women and non-binary folks! Join us this Saturday at Spark Social for Galentine’s Day! We'll be under the Big Sur Tent and did we mention we'll have a S’MORES CART?? The event is kiddo and leashed doggo friendly.
2022 Events
July 25th - SUMMER IN THE CITY: 20th Anniversary!
Join the San Francisco Women's Political Committee for celebrating our 20th anniversary, Summer In the City! Mark your calendars now for Monday, July 25th at 6:00pm at Chambers, 601 Eddy Street. This year we will be honoring women leaders that supported our local communities through the pandemic and are helping us recover and look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Our theme to honor them is Honoring Our Past, Fighting for Our Future. Summer in the City is the premier event bringing together politically-minded women+ and allies to celebrate a vision of a San Francisco where women+ and ideas that champion equity are powerfully represented in our city's politics. We hope you can join us this year in person. Tickets
2021 Events
Join the San Francisco Women’s Political Committee for our annual celebration and fundraising event, Summer In the City! Mark your calendars now for Wednesday, July 21st at 6:30pm. This year we will be honoring women leaders that supported our local communities through the pandemic and are helping us recover and look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Our the theme to honor them is A Toast to Tomorrow. Summer in the City is the premier event bringing together politically-minded women+ and allies to celebrate a vision of a San Francisco where women+ and ideas that champion equity are powerfully represented in our city’s politics. We hope you can join us this year in person.
In light of recent acts of violence targeting AAPI women and April highlighting Sexual Assault Awareness Month, it is important for our community to contextualize violence against women and TGNC folks through the lens of race, class, ethnicity, gender, among other layers of identity. Join us for our panel with Kimberly Ellis, Director of the SF Department on the Status of Women, KellyLou Densmore, Director of the SF Office of Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention, and Ivy Lee, Public Safety Advisor for the Office of the Mayor, where we will discuss the tools we have to combat gender-based violence in our local communities, and how we as a collective can truly support and uplift survivors. RSVP online to receive the Zoom login information. Note that this panel will be recorded and live-streamed. Members wishing to have this event count towards voting eligibility should log into the event with the Zoom link included in confirmation emails.
2020 Events
August 6th - SUMMER IN THE CITY: 100 Years of Women's Suffrage
Join SFWPC for our annual celebration, Summer in the City! We will be celebrating 100 years of women’s suffrage, hearing from groundbreaking pioneers, and talking with women leaders that are driving transformational political change. Joining us (virtually) will be A’shanti F. Gholar, President of Emerge; Freada Kapor Klein, Founding Partner at Kapor Capital; attorney, author and advocate Christine Pelosi, and activist, author and the longest serving National Park Ranger in the United States, Betty Reid Soskin. Stay tuned for more updates on our exciting speakers list! Thanks to our generous sponsors, self-identifying womxn can now register for free. Our stellar male-identified allies still need a ticket.
February 24th - CandiDating
Join us for CandiDating, a different way to get to know our endorsed Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC) candidates on Monday, Feb. 24! In a twist on speed dating, you’ll have your chance to ask our endorsed candidates about their platforms, goals, experience and maybe even their favorite movie or way to unwind. You’ll get a couple minutes with each “available” candidate in a casual setting, giving you a chance to learn about them up close and personal. RSVP now to reserve your spot. Entry is free. Look ahead for the candidates’ “profiles” as the event approaches. From 6-8pm, we’ll have drink specials, prizes and more at Tonic (895 Polk St.).So far, the candidates who have signed up to be your “date” for the evening include: AD 17 - Kristen Asato-Webb, Vallie Brown, Tyra Fennell, Frances Hsieh, Austin Hunter, Peter Gallotta, Sophie Maxwell, Honey Mahogany, Shamann Walton, Shanell Williams AD 19 - Kelly Akemi Groth, Janice Li, Suzy Loftus, Gordon Mar, Faauuga Molina, Nadia Rahman, Mano Raju, Cyn Wang.
2019 Events
November 23rd - Wheel House
Has campaign season been stressful and hectic? Come destress and spin with the SF Women’s Political Committee! We’ve reserved a studio at Wheel House on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 12:30pm for a special class to help you exercise after the election and burn some extra calories right before Thanksgiving. Spin shoes will be available for free, or you can just ride in your athletic shoes. Lockers, towels, and snacks will also be available free of charge. Reserve your bike here. Everyone is welcome — beginners and cycling enthusiasts alike. Entry is $20, but that’s a deal compared to $35 at SoulCycle (which we don’t go to anyway because they donate to Trump). Plus, your funds will go to support SFWPC. Let’s ride!
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Want to volunteer at events? Email us at and mention your interest in helping at SFWPC Events.