What is the Policy Committee?
A group of SFWPC members who meet monthly to evaluate policy proposals and submit recommendations to the SFWPC Board to Support/Oppose the policy, along with any additional actions necessary (submit a Letter of Support, create an Every Action Campaign, etc.)
When does the Policy Committee meet?
3rd Thursday of every month from 6pm to 8pm.
Who is the Policy Committee composed of?
The committee typically has two co-chairs and committee members. There can be sub-committee chairs when the committee is large enough and the workload supports it.
How does the Policy Committee get proposals?
Policy committee members, Board members, and the general public can submit legislation for the committee to consider. Proposals should relate to the Policy Agenda, which is reviewed and updated by the Policy Co-Chairs each calendar year.
How can I submit a policy proposal?
Please fill out this form and email it to info@sfwpc.org by the Monday before the monthly Policy Committee meeting, if you’d like it to be considered at that meeting.
What type of policies does SFWPC consider?
Typically state and/or local bills or resolutions that relate to or support SFWPC’s Policy Agenda. Less often, the Policy Committee will consider non-legislative items for support, as long as those items are not going to be placed on a ballot for voter consideration. You can also check out our Policy Positions on the website.
What happens after a policy is considered by the policy committee?
If the Policy Committee votes to support the legislation, the SFWPC Board will then vote to accept or reject the proposals of the committee. Once a policy is adopted, SFWPC will outreach the appropriate parties to inform them of our position. The Policy Committee may also vote to track the legislation and submit a letter of support or take some other advocacy approach.
What else does the Policy Committee do?
The committee also works on advocacy, community outreach, attending and hosting events, discussing hot topics in local and state politics, as well as supporting all the other committees of SFWPC.
How can I join the Policy Committee?
If you are ready to join the committee, or would like to attend a meeting to see what it’s like first, please email info@sfwpc.org and note your interest in the policy committee.